Identity Verification for Trust, Safety and Fraud Prevention
Modern advancements in information technology have revolutionized the way we interact with the world. This is what is known as The Digital Transformation. But there's a dark side to this online revolution. The Internet has become a breeding ground for deception, fraud and theft.

Modern advancements in information technology have revolutionized the way we interact with the world. This is what is known as The Digital Transformation. But there's a dark side to this online revolution. The Internet has become a breeding ground for deception, fraud and theft.
Romance Scams and Confidence Fraud as well as Non-Delivery and Non-Payment for Goods or Services Purchased Online make up the largest amount of losses. 49 million US consumers were victims of identity fraud in 2020 and their losses exceeded $56 billion. No wonder people have trust issues.
As the CEO of Authenticate, it's my responsibility to make sure that we live up to our name for the sake of trust and safety. We want to provide the most comprehensive identity authentication and fraud prevention service on Earth. Our Medallion™ can perform an instant forensic analysis of over 6,000 government IDs and passports from 200 countries and territories in 38 different languages. With the use of machine learning, computer vision, and AI we're able to automate identity authentication while keeping your user experience simple, easy-to-use and free of any friction whatsoever. The entire process can be completed in two minutes.

The first step in authenticating the identity is verifying the document itself has not been forged or tampered with in any way. Before The Digital Transformation we'd rely on the naked eye, but nowadays even with the closest look you may not notice something as simple as date font field inconsistency. And it would take forever to look up each and everybody online to prove an identity is authentic in and of itself. Its another challenge altogether to ensure that the person holding the ID is indeed the person it belongs to.
At Authenticate we've streamlined this into a 1, 2, 3 process.
First, with access to the largest template library of government-issued IDs and passports worldwide, we're able to instantly perform more than fifty forensic tests on images of the documentation to identify any tampering, forgery, inconsistencies or fraud. Then we compare the information in the Machine Readable Zone on the passport or what's embedded in the barcode to what is parsed through Optical Character Recognition (OCR) from the front of the document. Next, using best-in-class facial recognition software we extrapolate the image of the face on the document and compare it to a selfie that is provided. That selfie is analyzed for liveness detection using iBeta Level 2 independently certified anti-spoofing technology. This ensures that the selfie is not a picture of a picture or a person wearing a mask.
Lastly, with access to the most authoritative databases around the world Authenticate can confirm the individual's personally identifying information in the US, Canada and 31 countries around the world giving us the most robust identity authentication and fraud prevention solution available today.
The Medallion™ experience is totally customizable and white-labeled. You can include facial recognition and liveness detection or not. You can offer knowledge based authentication as a complement or substitute. You can even collect Education, Employment and Professional License information to have that independently verified if you like.