Financial Account Ownership Verification: Enhancing Security and Compliance

Authenticate is excited to introduce Financial Account Ownership Verification, a secure and cost-effective solution for businesses to verify user identities. By utilizing Mastercard's system, users can easily confirm their identity by logging into their financial account, which enhances Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) processes. This seamless verification method integrates smoothly with existing systems and offers API customization, all at a price of $1 per verification.

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In today's digital landscape, where security and regulatory compliance are of utmost importance, businesses are constantly searching for innovative solutions to verify user identities while minimizing risks. Enter Authenticate's Financial Account Ownership Verification, a groundbreaking tool that provides a seamless way for users to confirm their identity without relying on traditional document proofs or knowledge-based quizzes. In this blog, we will delve into the intricacies of this verification method, its operational mechanics, and its integration into existing systems.

Understanding Financial Account Ownership Verification

This sophisticated identity verification solution allows users to authenticate their identity by logging into their financial account, facilitated through Mastercard's secure system. Its primary goal is to establish the ownership of a financial account through a secure and reliable process, effectively preventing unauthorized access, identity theft, and financial fraud.

Key Benefits

  • Instant Identity Validation: Streamlines the verification process, providing immediate results.
  • Risk Mitigation: Significantly reduces the likelihood of account takeover and related fraud.
  • Direct and Accurate Information: Leverages real-time data directly from financial institutions for accuracy.

How It Works

Financial Account Ownership Verification introduces a novel approach alongside traditional methods like Knowledge-Based Authentication (KBA) and Passport/Government ID verification. Users authenticate their identity by logging into their financial account. Authenticate then retrieves and verifies financial account ownership details against the user's provided information. The system's strength lies in its connection with Authoritative Databases and internal data matching, ensuring consistency and adding an extra layer of security through database verification. Users must provide their date of birth (DOB) for enhanced accuracy before undergoing Financial Account Ownership Verification.

Integration with Current Systems

This verification method seamlessly integrates with existing systems, including API and Medallion workflows, bolstering Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) processes. It can be implemented at various stages, from onboarding new customers to periodically re-verifying existing account holders.

Setting Up the Verification Process

Setting up Financial Account Ownership Verification is a straightforward process:

  1. Access Authenticate Portal: Log in with your credentials.
  2. Navigate to Medallion: Select Medallion and proceed to workflow configuration.
  3. Configure Workflow: Create or modify a workflow, ensuring the Auth Db check is active for US citizens.
  4. Select Verification Method: Choose "Financial Account Ownership Verification" in the Verification Methods section.
  5. Ready to Verify: With configurations complete, begin the user verification journey with Authenticate.

API Integration

Financial Account Ownership Verification can be seamlessly integrated into your systems through APIs. Authenticate offers comprehensive API documentation, allowing for a customizable integration process.

  • Request Verification: Use the API to generate a secure link for verification after creating a user.
  • Receive Verification Response: The API provides real-time responses on the verification process.
  • Handle Responses: Integrate these responses into your system for informed decision-making.


The service is priced at $1 per verification per user, offering an affordable solution for enhanced security and compliance. Financial Account Ownership Verification by Authenticate represents a significant advancement in digital identity verification. Its integration into existing systems enhances security protocols and compliance measures, making it an invaluable tool for businesses in the digital age.

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